In summary, 2020 was a tumultuous year filled of darkness, heightened anxiety, change, and a time of clarity. The world became different than before. Forced changes entered each of our lives, causing us to prepare both mentally and physically to challenges that would affect our emotions, our spirit, and our livelihood. We were forced to lockdown and isolate, or interact with each other by different means, and to prepare for unknown situations and circumstances beyond our control.
It was a time for transformation. Practically everything we knew came into question it also became a time for review, re-evaluation, and reflection. Life as we knew it slowed down, which allowed us to pause, step back, obtain clarity, evaluate our blessings, and then focus on what are truly the most important things: family, friends, our beliefs, and health.
It forced us to change from the inside while observing the changes that occurred on the outside. As we look to 2021, MPG Group aims to take our renewed commitment andrecharged collective character forward, to provide our clients with creative and innovative solutions that strive towards design excellence. We invite you to explore our work that was created in 2020 Reflections, and to join us as we welcome hard work, strength, positivity, and honesty that will be manifested in all of us in the coming new year.
外界巨变敦促公司加速内生演化。展望2021,MPG | 摩高将一如既往地坚守承诺,以全新的团队精神为客户提供创新性的专业服务并努力追求卓越。我们邀您一起来回顾2020年的成果,也期待与您共同在新年里打造美好未来生活。
Implemented Projects of 2020
In summary, 2020 was a tumultuous year filled of darkness, heightened anxiety, change, and a time of clarity. The world became different than before. Forced changes entered each of our lives, causing us to prepare both mentally and physically to challenges that would affect our emotions, our spirit, and our livelihood. We were forced to lockdown and isolate, or interact with each other by different means, and to prepare for unknown situations and circumstances beyond our control.
It was a time for transformation. Practically everything we knew came into question it also became a time for review, re-evaluation, and reflection. Life as we knew it slowed down, which allowed us to pause, step back, obtain clarity, evaluate our blessings, and then focus on what are truly the most important things: family, friends, our beliefs, and health.
It forced us to change from the inside while observing the changes that occurred on the outside. As we look to 2021, MPG Group aims to take our renewed commitment andrecharged collective character forward, to provide our clients with creative and innovative solutions that strive towards design excellence. We invite you to explore our work that was created in 2020 Reflections, and to join us as we welcome hard work, strength, positivity, and honesty that will be manifested in all of us in the coming new year.
外界巨变敦促公司加速内生演化。展望2021,MPG | 摩高将一如既往地坚守承诺,以全新的团队精神为客户提供创新性的专业服务并努力追求卓越。我们邀您一起来回顾2020年的成果,也期待与您共同在新年里打造美好未来生活。
Implemented Projects of 2020
环的遐想 一条线够勾勒童趣港湾一条线描摹未来生活一条环线引领看房动态
项目地点:浙江省杭州市 景观面积:3490㎡