大象无形语出老子《道德经》,旨在有意化无意。不过分主张,不显得刻意,而是兼容百态。设计虽为有意,但传达给场地使用者的感受却无意。The phrase The big phenomenon is invisible is taken from Laozis Tao Te Ching and is intended to transform the intentional into the unintentional. It is not overly claiming, it does not seem intentional, but rather compatible with all forms of life. Although the design is intentional, the feeling it conveys to the user of the site is spontaneous.
灵山湾悦府展示中心的景观设计秉承这一宗旨,思考设计对场地介入的程度。一方面挖掘场地特色来发挥场地优势,不过度强调,让人自然而然地感受和发觉场地魅力;另一方面留有场地自由发挥的空间,创造设计之外的意想不到的景观,即游览者作为个体间产生的互动和丰富的感受而激活的景观空间。The landscape design ofInmost Palaceadheres to this principle by considering the intervention level of the design on the site. On the one hand, the site features are explored to maximize the sites advantages without over-emphasizing them, allowing people to perceive and discover the sites charm naturally; on the other hand, there is room for the site to develop freely, creating unexpected scenes beyond the design, i.e. landscape spaces that are activated by the interaction and richness of feelings generated between visitors.

以定形挖掘多形,再入形而至无形,景观设计是递进、推敲的过程。定形是对于场地的调查理解,为后期设计作铺垫,最终形成独特且具内涵的多形景观空间。Landscape design is a process of progression and refinement, using defined forms to explore multiple forms, and then moving into forms and invisible forms. The defined shape is the investigation and understanding of thesite, paving the way for the later design phase and ultimately forming a unique and connotative multi-shape landscape space.
灵山湾悦府展示中心位于青岛西海岸新区,该场地邻接城市主干道,周边拥有相对齐全的配套产业。初见场地,向南望去,尽是海和灵山岛的景色。设计意在发挥这一优势,面对广阔的海平面、 遥望幻化的灵山岛影,我们深知景观需要做的是倾听与接纳,是创造人与自然交流的契机。Inmost Palaceis located on the west coast of Qingdao, the site is adjacent to the citys main road and has a relatively complete range of supporting industries around the site, standing at the foundation of the site and looking south towards the sea and Lingshan Island. The design is intended to take advantage of the site to develop a new type of urban residential property, while at the same time facing the vast sea level and looking out over the shadows of Lingshan Island, we understand that what the landscape needs to do is to listen and accept, to create an opportunity for communication between man and nature.

多形是对场地特征元素的再提炼,将场地优势进行转化和再创造,突出和发挥场地丰富的价值。海浪和岛屿为场地景观设计提取的两大元素。抽象化的表达使得灵山湾悦府展示中心的景观更加简洁,和周围的海景形成呼应。 Multi-shape is a refinement of the sites characteristic elements, transforming and re-creating the sites strengths, highlighting and exploiting the sites rich value. Waves and islands are the two main elements extracted from the site for the landscape design. The abstract expressionmakes the landscape of the demonstration area of Lingshan Bay more concise and corresponds to the surrounding seascape.
海浪让人联想到海洋的生命。我们将海浪显性的形态进行整合与变化,地面白色叠加的线条展现了浪花涌上岸时层层交叠的美感,生动且具有灵性。长度不一的白色线条,赋予了铺装无声的韵律。The waves remind people of the life of the ocean, and the white lines of the paving on the ground show the beauty of the overlapping layers of waves when they come ashore. We have integrated and transformed the dominant forms of the ocean waves to make the static paving appear lively and dynamic. The varying lengths of the white lines give the paving the silent rhythm of the waves.
而岛屿则让人联想到项目对面的灵山岛。广场上高低错落的观景台是海岛山脉的具象表达,深浅各异的绿让整体景观更趋向自然。The islands refer back to the Lingshan Islands around the coast, and the jagged geometric planting containers with seating space in the square are a visual representation of the green islands andthe varying heights of the mountains, with the various shades of green making the overall landscape more natural.

入形是景观元素落位的过程,将从场地中挖掘和提取到的特征再现于设计。本项目场地最大的特色是天海一色的风景。星光水景演绎星辰和海面,序列感的渐变铺装象征海浪。场景中的元素各有对位,我们将从环境中捕捉到的形态注入到景观元素中。Inputis the process ofsetting out landscape elements into the design,re-visualizing featuresthat beexplored and extracted from the site.Themost distinctive feature in the design isthe fusion landscapewith seaand sky. Artificialstar lightsin the shallow poolconnectpeople to stars in the sky. Sequentialpaving with gradual varyinggreyrepresents the wave.Allelements in thelandscaperelate tosurroundings, and wecapturedthoseforms andintegrated them intothe design.



Twinkling Stars Fall Into The Mirror-like Pool
环绕建筑的镜水面,在空间上形成连续的界面,创造出由上而下映射的延伸。池底的星光灯象征着天空中的星辰。黑色的铺装池底不仅和建筑的材质相呼应,还隐喻着场地的夜空。一明一暗的对比,活化了建筑周边的景观。We chose a flat water surface to create a continuous interface in space, while the sightlines create a downward extension. The starlight at the bottom of the pool symbolizes the stars in the sky; the deep sky grey paved pool bottom corresponds to the materials of the building, andmetaphorically refers to the night sky of the site. The contrast between light and dark revitalizes the landscape around the building.

Feature Walls With A Sense OfRitual
展示中心入口两边对称式的景墙设计与建筑简约的风格相统一,又和周围海浪线条元素的景观设计形成呼应,再次强调了空间中各种元素的无边界感。The symmetrical landscape walls on either side of the entrance to the demonstration area are designed to unite with the minimalist style of the building and also respond to the geometric design of the surrounding landscape, emphasizing the borderless sense of the various elements in the space again.

The EmbeddedViewing PlatformNear Coast
滨海看台镶嵌于绿岛种植池之中,为人们提供了舒适的观景点。海风迎面吹拂夹杂着海盐的气味,让游览者感到轻松舒爽。远眺场地,若隐若现的山脉线和海景相接融为一体,一切都是连续、统一和无形的。Set in the middle of the Green Island planting pond, the Marina Lookout provides a comfortable viewing point. The sea breeze and the smell of sea salt are relaxing and soothing to the visitor. In the distance, the view of the site is continuous, unified, and invisible, as the line of the mountains and the sea merge into one.

Artistic Enclosure
围挡立面上设计的白色线条,通过上下起伏形成的变化,将平面上的海浪元素延伸到立面上,让整个场景更有连续性。White lines with various lengths and thicknessesonthe artistic enclosure makethe whole landscape more consistentby integratingwave elements into the facade design.

BorderlessWave Paving and Planting Containers with Green Island Shape
宽窄不一,长短交错的线条赋予了铺装动态的节奏韵律。不同层次的灰让人联想到场地周边海面上起伏拍打的浪花;深浅各异的绿色种植池则让人联想到岛屿和远处的山峦。铺装和种植池统一的设计语言让二者自然地交融为一体,呼应了场地周边的海景和灵山岛。The varying thicknesses and lengths of the paving elements endowthe ground with a dynamic rhythm; different layers of grey evoke the lapping waves of the sea around the site. Planting containers with various shades of green evoke the image of islands and mountains in the distance. Continuous design forms of pavings and planting containers make the twoelements withinthe site integrate naturally.

The invisible in the definition of universal images
无形是景观中的去符号化,定万象代表赋能。灵山湾悦府展示中心的景观时刻强调着海洋对于周围自然视线的引入,引导人们感受自然与人为景观的融合。景观摒弃了凸显自我的掷地有声,选择了更大的格局去体现我们对于场地的理解与诠释。我们希望场地能被赋予多种可能。景观是一个容器,只有将它做到无,才能包罗场所中各种可能,也就是定万象化无形。The invisible meansremovingsymbolization from thelandscape, andthe definition of universal images represents giving meanings and functions to the site. The design always emphasizesthe role of the sea in introducing surrounding natural scenery into the site, which guides people toappreciate and feel the fusion of nature andartificiallandscape. In the design, the landscape discards the self-expressive, opting for a bigger picture to reflect our understanding and interpretation of the site.We sincerely wish to endow the site with more possibilities. The landscape is not physical. only when we make it invisible, would more potential be discovered, and that is what we called defining the visible first to convert it into the invisible.

CLIENT/业主:China Resources Land/华润置地