The 2nd Grinding Wheel Plant locates in the core area of the old city of Zhengzhou. It was once the largest grinding wheel factory in Asia, delivering grinding wheels and abrasive tools, heavy industry teeth, to all parts of the country. It is also an important project aided by East Germany during Chinas First Five-Year Plan.
At that time, the factory building structure system with the characteristics of the avant-garde Bauhaus was produced in Germany and assembled in China, reflecting the super luxurious construction specifications and carrying the Sino-German friendship and the industrial dream of the new China. However, with the change of urban development and industrial types, the relocation of production tasks in the factory area has been entirely vacant. It has become a National Historic Preservation Building.
△ 历史照片

△ 工厂内部照片
Transform industrial memory into different types of public activity spaces. The concept of landscape design is open integration and diverse rebirth. The public space of the cultural and creative park transformed from this industrial site is sorted out. Through the study of historical context, the industrial equipment in the area is preserved, and the modern design methods are used rationally. We hope that the framed landscape system will allow the 2nd Grinding Wheel Plant to reintegrate into the urban culture with a new attitude, welcoming various types of people. After the completion of Zhengzhou 2nd Grinding Wheel Plant Cultural and Creative Park, it has become a new landmark of urban vitality in the core of the old city of Zhengzhou. It improves the quality of public space in the originally depressed old industrial zone and establishes a more positive relationship with surrounding communities at the same time.

In the early days of the founding of New China, the industrial foundation was weak. With the help of East German engineers dispatched by the Soviet Union, China built the largest grinding wheel factory, the Zhengzhou No.2 Grinding Wheel plant. The factory building has the typical Bauhaus architectural style, and it also became an important pillar industry in Zhengzhou at that moment. It is the memory of the times in the hearts of every Zhengzhou people. In the largest Bauhaus complex in Asia, old-fashioned Soviet buildings made of concrete slabs dominate, with giant cedars and plane trees growing between the buildings, intricate piping systems, ubiquitous grinding wheel molds, and abandoned industrial production tools. The heavy historical atmosphere, profound industrial traces, and strong visual impact make us feel the sense of mission and responsibility of history.

Inheritance or Abandonment? To utilize, and how to use? Want to be reborn, and in what form? How to make the 2ndgrinding wheel plant return to the daily life of Zhengzhou people with todays mission of the times? The priority issue in this project is how to effectively use the historical relics of the old factory area and give them new era significance and functions while protecting them.
We take Rebirth of memory as the design vision. The preservation and reconstruction of the historical relics reflect the rebirth of the No.2 grind wheel plant and the ecological landscape environment. The landscape design respects the original spatial pattern of the old factory area, reorganizes the public space layout of the site, restores the Bauhaus modernist architectural style of the factory area, and gives new life to the old things through renovation.

△ 总平面图
△ 管道串联整个场地
We salvaged the industrial machinery donated by East Germany, the Czech Republic, and the Soviet Union and transformed them into amusement facilities, landscape structures. Considering the requirements of limited budget and simple craftsmanship, we used the method of embossing concrete with plane trees to increase the details of the concrete. We also reused and integrated the intricate pipes and instrument panels into the signage system.


△ 改造后:改造成为模具花园 (左) △改造成为灯环装置(右)

△ 改造前:工厂内的老电表箱(左) △ 改造后:改造成为标识牌(右)

△ 改造前:厂房屋顶的烟囱(左)△ 改造后:以烟囱造型为灵感的垃圾桶(右)
二砂厂内原有的近 2000 棵古树也被全部被保留,同时适当增加当地树种,与城市的各个方向的绿色通道相联系,成为该区域生态系统的重要支撑。
The original nearly 2,000 trees in the 2nd grinding wheel plant have also been preserved. Local tree species have been appropriately increased to connect with the green passages in all city directions and become essential support for the regional ecosystem.
△ 改造后的草坪剧场
Starting from the original industrial, cultural genes, and historical memory of the 2nd grinding wheel plant, the site is divided into three parts:the diamond plaza, the grinding wheel park, and the ersha green corridor, which are connected in series through the sweet gum woods,central avenue, and Wutongavenue.The texture of the site is sorted out with the concept of round sky and square earth. The straight axis of the Main Square and circular grinding wheels are interspersed at important space nodes, forming different scales and functions and stimulating public activities at different levels.

△ 改造后的广场鸟瞰

The sky above the front square carries the Revolutionary Friendship with a 40.2-meter memorial ring. The names of 170 East German engineers and model workers who have worked hard to construct the 2nd grinding wheel plant are engraved on it as a landmark to witness the revolutionary friendship. The Ring of Memory is restrained by four steel pillar suspension cables, echoing the 320-star lights on the ground that symbolize unsung heroes. The retained cedar, a series of concrete columns, and pipes on the right side of the site form a solid visual and moving line guidance.

The grinding wheel park is a sports park that reuses the original production tools in the factory. Although these industrial relics have lost their production value, they have been given new functions and meanings after being reborn, and they have served the city in another form. With the theme of the grinding wheel, the abandoned machines are transformed into interactive facilities for children such as climbing nets, slides, and seats.

△ 砂轮乐园


△ 改造后的雪松林

△ 改造前:工厂内钢架轨道
△ 改造后:加上攀爬网成为游乐设施

△ 改造前:工厂内老机器

△ 改造后:老机器改造成游乐设施

△ 改造后:砂轮乐园
The experience garden has designed a space that is highly integrated with the factory building with the method of micro-renewal, which maximizes the preservation of the characteristics and memory of The 2nd grinding wheel plant: the original trees in the site, such as cedar and sycamore, are preserved; the original concrete blocks are smashed and integrated into the pavement; the former newsstand is turned into an urban rest space; the abandoned green space is reused and transformed into an amusement park; the abandoned blower is transformed into a landscape sculpture; the grinding wheel is built into a green wall of plants, reactivating the small space.

△ 梧桐大道

△ 改造前:草坪剧场
△改造后:草坪剧场 (夏)

△ 重新利用废弃绿地
△ 废弃机械改造成景观雕塑



Today, the 2nd grinding wheel plant, bid farewell to the former industrial glory, has become a medium that transcends time and space. This landscape renovation re-planned and designed the public realm, respected the original industrial planning pattern, continued the spatial characteristics, historical culture, and ecologicalenvironment, and revived the old factory and gave it a new era mission.
△ 草坪剧场

△ 屋顶草坡

△ 老人带孩子在砂轮花园休息

△ 改造后的雪松林
The No.2 Grinding Wheel Plant Factory Park has created a vibrant public space for urban residents in the new era. It is a community of urban activities, which enhances the vitality of the entire city and is a carrier of urban spirit and memory, reshaping the urban spiritual outlook.

△ 孩子们在砂轮花园喷泉前戏水

△ 孩子们在草坪剧场追逐嬉戏

△ 二砂游行表演
The project has become the memory core of Zhengzhou dwellers after nearly two-year completion. The No.2 Grinding Wheel Plant is genuinely reborn when the old are retained, and new activities are created.
△ 夜幕下的钻石广场
项目名称:二砂文创公园项目位置:郑州,中国项目面积:50000㎡设计方:Lab D+H上海设计负责人:李中伟设计团队:李中伟,林楠,张家茜,潘晓雯,李秀娟,王佳俊,沈怡君,张其然,张婧妍施工图团队:周建,秦超,刘欢,马俊,罗龙渊灯光顾问:倘思标识顾问:良相雕塑顾问:可已创意建成周期:2020-2021业主单位:星河地产摄影版权:鲁冰