兿術 純粹 自由 ART PURE FREEDOM 我走到那白雪覆盖的岛屿。荒野没有词,空白之页向四面八方展开,我发现鹿的偶蹄在白雪上的印迹, 是语言而不是词。-摘自《自1979年3月》 -瑞典诗人/诺贝尔文学奖得主托马斯特朗斯特罗姆 I make my way to the snow-covered island.Wilderness has no words. The unwritten pagesstretch out in all directions.I come across this line of deer-slots in the snow:a language,language without wordsTomas Transtrmer, a Swedish poet who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2011
城市与建筑,是展现社会生活的窗口。观念在设计和利用城市空间中有着重要的作用,人们逐渐认识到,只有重新回归身体、回归感觉,才能真正重获被现代城市文明所排挤掉的肉身。Cities and architecture arethe windows of social life. Perception plays an important role inthe design and utilization of urban space. People gradually realizethat only by returning to the body and to the senses can they truly regain thephysical body that has been sidelined by modern urban civilization. 项目总体定位为北欧风格,建筑由简约线条构成,立面用玻璃、金属等元素互相搭配,利用透明、反射的特质,让人在室内就感受到室外的树林水溪。使整体风格简约纯粹。色调纯粹、线条简约,自然又不失设计,体现了整体品质。The positioning of theproject isScandinavian style.The building is composed of simple lines. The facadeuses glass, metal and other elements to match each other. By using thecharacteristics of transparency and reflection, people can feel the woods andstreams in nature indoors. The overallstyle is simple and pure. Clean and concise tonal and linemakes the design look natural and well designed, it reflectthe overall quality. 景观在风格上与总体风格相统一,提取北欧元素运用到设计当中。设计重点不仅仅放在自然、纯净、现代的风格统领上,更多的是向大众传递人与自然交汇、城与自然相融的未来人居理念,打造一个纯粹、随心、轻松的场所。The landscape design is unified with theoverall style, and the Scandinavian elements are extracted and applied to thedesign.The focus of the design is not only on thenatural, pure andmodern style, but also on conveying the future conceptof human and natural intersection and the integration of city and nature to thepublic , creating a pure, casual and relaxed place. 本项目位于山东省临沂市东城新区核心地段,距离沂州古城1.5KM,临沂市政府直线距离8KM,车行便捷,未来潜力巨大,3公里内配备超强学区,优质医疗以及丰富的文化休闲配套资源。The project is located inthe core area of East City New District, Linyi City, Shandong Province, 1.5 KMfrom Yizhou Old Town and 8 KM from Linyi Municipal Government, with convenientdriving access and great future potential, equipped with superb schooldistricts, quality medical care,rich cultural and leisureresources within 3 KM.
△景观风格定位 △设计定位:
△设计理念 △景观主题
项目入口广场运用折线模拟山间峡谷,纯白的墙体如同覆盖在峡谷上的皑皑白雪,演绎不同转折空间下的丰富感官体验。在材料的使用中融入北欧特色,运用玻璃砖来扣合冰雪主题,简约自然。The entrance plaza of the project uses folding lines to simulate a mountain canyon, and the pure white wall is like the snow-capped canyon, interpreting the rich sensory experience under different turning spaces. The use of materials incorporates Scandinavian characteristics, using glass blocks to fit the theme of ice and snow, which is simple and natural. 效果图△
在北欧,森林无处不在,许多城市里都还保留着天然的森林。芬兰的老师会带孩子们到森林中上课,体会每一种植物的气味。In Northern Europe, forests are everywhere, and many cities still have natural forests. Teachers in Finland take children to the forest for lessons and let them experience the smell of each plant.
项目核心景观区中间草坪用丛生乌桕进行孤植,撑起此区域的骨架,搭配榉树林、白蜡、五角枫、朴树等,旨在打造夏季绿树成荫、秋季色叶绚丽,冬季枝干虬劲的植物景观,使核心景观区更具观赏性和季相变化,以高大、郁郁葱葱的树阵营造出北欧森林的感觉。The middle lawn of the corelandscape area of the project is planted with Sapium sebiferum to support the space structure of this area, togetherwith beech trees, ash, five-horned maple, park trees, etc. The aim is to createa landscape with shady trees insummer, gorgeous leaves in autumn and beautiful branches in winter, making the corelandscape area more ornamental and seasonal changes, and creating the feelingof Nordic forest.
运用鹿元素雕塑丰富空间层次感,结合绿化、景墙的高低错落,营造出极简美学的自然意境。驯鹿隐秘在森林之中,在山中生长,与森林融为一体。The use of reindeer element sculpture enriches the sense of spatial hierarchy, combined with the height staggering of greenery and scenic walls, creating a natural vibe of minimalist aesthetics. Reindeer are hiddenin the forest, growing in the mountains and integrating with the forest.
驯鹿,是幸福安康的象征,也代表着神秘、希望、智慧。Reindeer, a symbol of happiness and well-being, also represents mystery, hope and wisdom. 04
居于山中 自由探索人与自然的关系,是为了更好地回到生活。To explore the relationship between human and nature is to return to life better.
在静谧悠然的森林环境中,复刻出一种Hygge的生活情调,把这种隐奢的格调全方位的安植于项目的每一个角落。In the quiet and leisurely forest-like environment, we reproduce a Hygge lifestyle and plant this hidden luxury in every corner of the project. 结语 华科华瑞城以森林、冰原、峡谷打造了一场穿梭在山谷林间的自然旅程,其中倾注了设计师对普罗大众需求的关切,和对热爱生活、善于生活、享受生活的细致体悟,便达到了艺以载道的目的,成为永恒的经典。The project creates a natural journey through the valley and forest with trees, ice blocks and folded lines, in which the designers concern for the needs of the general public and his meticulous understanding of loving life, being good at life and enjoying life are poured into it, which achieves the purpose of art as a way of life and becomes an eternal classic. 项目占地152.7亩,总建面30.15万㎡,地上21万㎡;呈现产品为19栋洋房、1栋16F、5栋17F、1栋幼儿园,1栋生态办公写字楼,住宅面积范围128-188㎡,户型布局方正,功能完善,旨在打造成为临沂首个城市生态理念住区。项目凭借着自身优越的高品质产品力和国际生活理念,打造国际化高品质生活美学社区,秉承着让生活回归人文的理念,以世界性的建筑语言、生态自然的园林、艺术化美学空间以及高端的生活方式,迭进未来时代人居,满足一城人居所向,启幕临沂的国际化生活。因此,华科华瑞城自面世起,便以顶流红盘之姿,成为了城市高阶层的向往。 项目信息项目名称:国际生态城金融中心(华科华瑞城)委托业主:HUAKE 华科 华鼎文旅景观设计:PTLA 柏涛景观建筑设计:PTA 上海柏涛项目地点:中国山东临沂设计面积:7600平方米设计时间:2021年3月建成时间:2021年8月