After the pandemic, Shanghai Suhewan Park, as a concept and practice for the healthy development of a high-density city, is a rare comprehensive urban renewal project, including over-ground parks and an underground business district. It satisfies downtown commercial needs and provides 42000 m2 of public green space for the residents.

苏河湾万象天地的规划理念来自于多年前的一套苏州河整体概念规划方案,蜿蜒的苏州河与起伏的城市肌理交织生长,沿着滨河勾勒出一系列的空间节点,而苏河湾万象天地正是其最东侧的一个中央公园。Lab D+H SH延续了总体规划中,将原本地面商业建筑打散置于地下,核心空间让位给城市公共绿地的设计理念。以具有创新性的手法进行景观设计,突破过去、现在、未来的时空限制,在高密度建筑集群中,为居民打造开放的、满足综合性功能需求的大尺度城市公园。保留两处重要历史文化遗址,通过流线型的动态景观串联离散组团,用现代的手法让历史建筑重获新生,重塑城市公共空间的意义。
The design concept of the park is derived from the conceptual Suzhou River masterplan (2016). The masterplan organically intertwined the meandering Suzhou River and the context of the city, creating a series of waterfront spaces. Among them, Suhewan Park is an important node on the east end. Lab D+H SH follows the principle of the masterplan, which rearranges existing over-ground commercial buildings to underground to clear urban core space for public green space. This project uses innovative landscape design methods, connecting the sites past, current, and future. Our team creates an extensive urban park among high-density buildings, providing a multifunctional open space. Moreover, two important historical sites have not only been preserved, but also been regenerated with linear and dynamic landscape design, which connect scattered districts and re-form the urban public space.

苏河湾万象天地中,Lab D+H SH提出以有机生长的景观作为多元功能的有机载体,将公园与城市街区“无界”融合。既承载日常生活,又为城市的建造与发展创造了无限的生机与活力。化繁为简、打破边界、返璞归真的设计理念让苏河湾万象天地成为上海公共空间的新地标。
In Suhewan Park, Lab D+H SH proposes an organic growing landscape as the carrier of multifunction, blending park and city blocks. It satisfies daily life and creates infinite vitality for urban development. Simplifying, boundary-erasing and authentic design concepts make Suhewan Park the new landmark in Shanghai.
Suhewan Park is in the core of the Suzhouwan area and adjacent to the Suzhou River, the mother river of Shanghai. It is closely connected to Peoples Square and the Bund, which are the development focal points of the Jingan District. The citys main road intersects the site, dividing it into east and west two parts. A dense series of skyscrapers makes this urban area constrained in space and lacking vitality. Considering the unique cultural relics, such as Tiangong Palace and Shenyu Lane, this design makes commitments to reflect the inclusive culture of Shanghai and represent the connotation of Huangpu River culture and Shanghai culture in public space.
城市中心区域的大型公园是日常生活的发生地,更是林立高楼间不可多得的休憩之所。为了满足社会生活中人们对于自然、休闲、娱乐的多样化追求,Lab D+H SH用疏密的主次动线链接自然、城市、历史,串联场地中的2个重要文化遗址、6个“峡谷洞口”以及办公塔楼,“城市峡谷”商业空间沿洞口展开。
The center area of a big park is famous for daily activities. It is a precious resting place among concrete forests. To satisfy peoples pursuit of nature, recreation, and entertainment in social life, Lab D+H SH uses hierarchical routes to connect the natural environment, urban space, city history, two major cultural sites, office blocks, and six valley entrances. Commercial areas named “City Valley” spread along the entrances.

The streamlined road system, plant system, and ground entrances interact and form a vast urban landscape. The carefully arranged flower border brings the beauty of natural wildness into the city park. Linear sky bridges connect metropolitan and riverside areas, enriching the walking experience and bringing vitality. The footbridge across the east and west parts creates a varied scale and spatial hierarchy, allowing pedestrians to experience the nature and urban landscape along the Suzhou River. The terraced steps introduce nature from the ground floor to the underground. Diversified plant design enriches the space experience and stimulates commercial vitality. Sophisticated art installations visually guide the movement, leading people from the open ground to the underground commercial area.
The primary objective of Suhewan Park is to fulfill the vacancy of the green corridor along the Suzhou River, enhancing the stability of green space and improving the overall green area. In development progress, this project increases the native tree species ratio, optimizes green infrastructure, and enhances biodiversity. It creates colorful highlights by adding flowering shrubs and deciduous trees with dedicated care for precious species. According to the circulation design, our design team arranges various planting landscapes with colorful vegetation to visually guide major routes and nodes.

As a modern urban green space system, Suhewan Park preserves two crucial historical and cultural sites – Shenyu Lane, a historical and restored building-alley block, and Tianhou Palace, the only official Mazu temple in Shanghai history.

Shenyu Lane: Entertainment Green Space
Shenyu Lane Entertainment Green Space is mainly for commercial and outdoor activities. In order to preserve historical relics and continue the citys memory, the landscape design restores part of the original Shenyu Lane Buildings, and reproduces the traditional Shikumen culture with modern design techniques. The shape of Shikumen is used on lawn design to imply another parts of the unrestored Shenyu Lane Buildings.

The detail design of Shenyu Lane highlights the exquisite cultural heritage of the city. The pavement design uses innovative techniques, replacing black bricks with stone. Fishbone-shaped cascade design smoothens water flows. Brass nameplates engraved with historical memories are embedded in the ground. In the night light, the nameplates echoes the underground skylight, emerging the modern humanistic spirit of Shanghai.

Tianhou Palace: Ceremonial Green Space
Tianhou Palace an ancient relic with only the primary hall pillar position remained. On the north green space, the design details used landscape pavements and light strips, restoring the pillar position of the Tianhou Palace, and forming a place with a historical atmosphere in the park. The dialogue between colored stone pavers and pavements embedded with historical information blend contemporary city life and cultural memories. Visual interaction between the entertainment field on the roof light and the stands on the footbridge forms a marvelous scene.
The dynamic-looking footbridge leads people from the park to waterfront landscapes. According to the height difference of the site, the landscape design takes the terraced steps and lawn to form a waterfront viewing platform facing the Suzhou River, providing a place for citizens to rest and enjoy the river scenery. Five footpaths are designed with elevation differences to deal with the issues of urban flood threats. The transition creates a layered spatial experience from the floating deck to the boardwalk, the amphitheater, the park trails, and finally to the lawn.

Suhewan Park is built for influential cultural and artistic gatherings to form a new urban lifestyle, creating artistic nodes with natural ecological experience. Some sculptures with fashionable styles are introduced, such as the long-legged boy, Alice, and baby elephants. The parks entrance also uses artistic techniques to create a sense of place. once people enter the site, they can immediately feel the excitement brought by the artwork.

The terraced green space brings nature from the ground to the commercial space below along the meandering entrance. The delicate planting in the underground echoes the ground green space. With the flow of falling water, vitality is brought to the underground as well. Unique art installations break through the boundary between floors, immersing people in the green valley. To facilitate people into commercial space, our design team uses pedestrian bridges, spiral stairs, and escalators to connect upper and lower levels, merging the ground green space and the underground commercial space, and forming a tight bind with blurred spatial boundaries.
As a landscape-led urban renewal practice, Shanghai Suhewan Park breaks the boundary between the urban and natural environment with commitments to inclusion, using urban green infrastructure to carry city life to allow city development to flourish organically. More importantly, the concerted efforts of the government, developers, and designers will provide urban residents with a park where they can enjoy natural healing and experience a high-quality, sustainable lifestyle. After the completion, the Suhewan Central Park quickly became a destination for people to yearn for, allowing the young generation to experience the unique charm of the historical downtown of Shanghai. The landscape activated multifunctionality of the site to stimulate the surrounding areas comprehensive renewal and the citys new economy.
景观设计方(概念方案扩初):Lab D+H SH上海事务所景观设计团队:潘晓雯,叶嘉庆,张其然,沈怡君,张婧妍,徐思莹,吴静宇,魏纯,黄诗琪,胡亚先,张家茜,朱楠,李秀娟,朱家立,吴晔景观设计(施工图):上海市园林设计研究总院有限公司景观施工单位:上海沃然景观工程有限公司,上海景域园林建设发展有限公司,上海景翊园林科技有限公司业主单位联系人:金英 袁杰 王紫娇 余昊翰 丁迎 设计管理写字楼建筑设计+室内设计:Foster + Partners Limited裙房以及地下建筑设计+室内设计:Kokaistudios艺术品顾问:AllRightsReserved. Limited机电顾问:迈进Meinhardt,铂诺客工程咨询(上海)有限公司