Lab D+H SH|Design with Heritage
2022-01-12 17:55 浏览:5706
Lab D+H上海(Lab D+H SH)于2017年初成立。工作室的起点源于2016年我在旧金山的客厅中开辟的一个小小的办公桌,当时合伙人林楠在国内远程办公。直到2017年,我们最终落户1933老厂房。一晃5年,Lab D+H上海已经成长为36人的职业事务所。
Lab D+H Shanghai (Lab D+H SH) began to sproutin early 2017. The starting point of the studio was a small desk I opened in my living room in San Francisco in 2016 when my partner Nan Lin was working remotely in China. Until 2017, we finally settled in 1933 Shanghai. Our studio has grown into a professional office of 36 team members in the past five years.
我们根植于上海,落地项目遍及全国。秉承用时间去做设计Design with Heritage,我们是城市中的回望者,不断思考时间在城市项目中的意义,逐渐实现了城市更新、地标、公园、商业办公、居住等不同类型的建成项目。
We are rooted in Shanghai, while our projects are spread all over the country. Adhering to the use of time to design Design with Heritage, we are looking back in the city, constantly thinking about the meaning of time in urban projects, and gradually realizing various types of urban renewal, landmarks, parks, commercial offices, and residences.
We will continue to move forward in 2022 and solve problems in urban development with a comprehensive landscape approach.
李中伟,Lab D+H上海创始人
Zhongwei Li, Founder of Lab D+H Shanghai
Lab D+H上海是一家创立于上海的先锋景观建筑与城市设计事务所。事务所秉承用时间做设计的原则,以场地的地脉、文脉为设计手段,为城市空间赋能。设计作品类型多元,从大型城市公园、问题复杂的后工业场地,到城市微更新,我们致力于用设计紧密联系城市生活与记忆的公共领域,通过回溯时间振兴钢筋混凝土森林。Lab D+H上海团队主创项目包括广州永庆坊、上海黑石M+、深圳南头古城城市微更新、上海三邻桥社区体育公园、苏河湾中央公园、杭州之门、福州烟台山城市更新、麓湖活水公园、深圳湾超总C塔,以及北京工人体育场公园的改造等。Lab D+H Shanghai is a pioneering landscape architecture and urban design firm. Adhering to the principle of Design with Time, we take the site context as the design method to add value to the urban space. We are committed to revitalizing the reinforced concrete forest by looking back in time as a public realm that closely links urban life and memory with design. Our projects involve multidiscipline ranging from large urban parks, complex post-industrial sites, and urban micro-renewal. Lab D+H Shanghai is worldwide recognized by many great projects such as GuangzhouYongqing fang, Shanghai Blackstone Park, Shenzhen Nantou Ancient city micro-renewal, Shanghai Bridgelife Park, Suhewan Central Park, Hangzhou Gate, Yantai Mountain, Luhu Park, Shenzhen Bay C Tower, and the Renovation of the Beijing Workers Stadium Park, etc.
设计团队五年来稳步成长,来源多元,有教无类。我们一直努力最大化地将学术与实践结合。团队工作流程严谨而国际化、管理方式扁平,设计作品都具有很强的传承性。The Lab D+H Shanghai design team has grown steadily over the past five years, with excellent diversity and no judgment. The teams workflow is rigorous and international, with flat management, leading to the design works capable of being inherited. We have always strived to maximize the combination of academic and practice.
Lab D+H 上海办公室的联合创始人以及上海事务所的设计创意总监李中伟先生毕业于宾夕法尼亚大学并获得景观建筑和城市区域规划硕士学位。多年的先锋事务所实践经历使他成为了坚实的城市主义实践者,并对城市的地脉肌理以及市井文脉有着持续的关注。他主创的景观项目大多位于城市的腹地,关注并致力于用公共空间的方法解决高发的城市问题。Li received his masters degree in Landscape Architecture and Urban Regional Planning from the University of Pennsylvania. He isan urbanist with years of practical experience. Li engaged in severallandscape projects which are located in the hinterland of China. He dedicates to solving high-incidence urban problems by creating public spaces.
李中伟 ZhongweiLi
Co-Founder, Managing Partner(Shanghai), Creative Director, MLA, ASLA
林楠作为事务所合伙人以及设计总监,主导,管理并打造了上海事务所从旧城更新,基础设施到城市综合体等一系列的城市地标项目。他相信优秀的景观来自于理智的分析并成功的将睿智的设计方法贯穿在概念设计到施工的每一个阶段之中。Lin is the Partner and Design Director of Lab D+H, Shanghai office. He has led the Shanghai Office to accomplish several city landmarks projects, including urban renewal, infrastructure, and urban complex. Lin believes that a comprehensive analysis contributes to exceptional landscape design work. He is committed to making an inclusive design method throughout the whole process of conceptual design and construction.
Partner, Design Director/Shanghai Studio Managing Principal
△Lab D+H上海 设计团队
Lab D+H 上海的作品在全球获得和广泛的奖项认可,包括代表景观届最高荣誉的美国景观建筑师协会ASLA国家奖,以及英国皇家景观协会奖LI Awards。同时,也在多家国际杂志和网站发表作品。我们的创始人以及设计总监李中伟先生也多次参与行业活动与论坛,并在上海交通大学担任设计实践导师,将多年来的实践经验转化为设计教学。
Our works have been recognized by a wide range of awards worldwide, including the ASLA National Award, the highest honor in the landscape industry, and the Royal Landscape Association (LI Awards). At the same time, we have published works in many international magazines and websites. Our founder and design director, Mr. Li, has also participated in many industry events and forums and served as an instructor of Design Practice at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, turning his years of practical experience into design teaching.2021 LI AWARDS 英国皇家风景园林学会奖2020 ASLAPROFESSIonAL AWARDS美国景观建筑师协会国家奖2019 IFLA ASIA-PACIFICIFLA亚太区风景园林奖2019 INTERNATIonAL DESIGN AWARDS美国IDA国际设计大奖2018ASLAPROFESSIonAL AWARDS美国景观建筑师协会南加州奖2017 WANAWARDS 英国世界建筑新闻网大奖2017-2018CREDAWARD地产设计大奖中国
Lab D+H 上海的设计作品在多家国际杂志刊登,包括New Horizons、The Big Asian Books、Topos100、LAM、仓山宝藏、风景园林杂志等。Lab D+H Shanghais designs have been published in many international magazines, including New Horizons, The Big Asian Books, Topos100, LAM, Cangshan Treasure, Landscape Architecture Magazine, etc.
△Lab D+H上海 杂志发表
Lab D+H 上海的创始人以及设计总监李中伟先生也多次参与行业活动与论坛,并在上海交通大学担任设计实践导师,将多年来的实践经验转化为设计教学。
Zhongwei has also participated in industry activities and forums many times, and served as a design practice tutor in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, transforming his years of practical experience into design teaching.
△Lab D+H上海李中伟-教学照片
作为根植于中国本土的景观事务,我们与全球最优秀设计团队合作,完成了一系列大型城市地标项目。极度复杂的场地条件,漫长的设计周期让我们有了更多的成长空间与职业属性。As a landscape business rooted in China, we have completed a series of large-scale urban landmark projects in cooperation with the top design teams worldwide. Extremely complex site conditions and long design cycles have given us more room for growth and professional attributes.上海苏河湾中央公园 (在建,开放时间2022年6月)建筑师:Foster Partners+Kokai Studio+都市更新
建筑师:ZAHA HADID Architects
我们成功打造了近30个不同尺度的城市微更新项目。对于文脉的探索与研究一直是我们持续的课题,这一理念与方法也逐渐得到了同行的广泛认同。未来,我们的微更新将持续为城市公共生活做出贡献。We have successfully built nearly 30 micro urban-renewal projects of different scales. The We have successfully built nearly 30 micro urban-renewal projects of different scales. The exploration and research of context have always been our ongoing subject, and our peers have widely recognized this concept and method. Our micro-updates will continue to contribute to urban public life in the future.获奖:ASLA National Awards 城市设计类荣誉奖等获奖:ASLA南加州卓越奖,IFLA AAPME 荣誉奖获奖:LI Awards 英国皇家景观协会奖遗产奖
对于商业类项目,我们从专业性、恰当性的角度出发,探究合理性与实用性,未来也希望能够继续与商业建筑师、客户合作。For commercial projects, we explore rationality and practicality from professionalism and appropriateness. We hope to continue to cooperate with commercial architects and customers in the future.
跨越不同尺度,我们一直在地脉中找寻公共空间的设计灵感,并将其与城市策略紧密结合,为大众提供具有公共休闲、交流与交往的城市公园。Across different scales, we have been looking for design inspiration for public spaces in the ground and closely integrated them with urban strategies to provide the public with urban parks with public leisure, communication, and social lives.
在高端的居住类项目中,我们以景观建筑师的视角关注自然生态与人居环境,每一次的尝试与探索都力求打造精品。In the high-end residential projects, we pay attention to the natural ecology and human settlement environment from the perspective of a landscape architect. We are keen to create high-quality products in every trial and exploration.
我们深信,作品是事务所成长的根基,也是团队奋斗至今的动力,希望大家持续关注我们的每一次进步。We believe that design projects are the solid foundation for the growth of the firm, and also the great motivation to make us move forward. We hope that you will continue to pay attention to our every progress.